>> Saturday, January 3, 2009
We're going back to college!
We no longer need to rot at home and such..
It's time to enjoy while you still can?
So, I went out with Clayton and then met up with Andrew, Renee, Jeff and his family..
Supposed to watch Bed Time Stories together but the cinema was full..
Changed plan and we watch Australia instead...
Had tea at Wembrey park with Jeff's family @ 7th floor.. (seriously you don't want a critic to visit this restaurant/cafe)
Thanks to the treat uncle..
Met Bala too.. Huhu..
After movie, we had dinner at the Kapitan.. We had mamak food instead of Chinese food because we are no longer going up to Batu Ferringhi..
Bala was sick =( Get well soon o.O Dinner at Kapitan's.. My fat body blocked Jia Wei and Kamal.. And this Photo was stolen from Renee.
Sent Jia Wei, Clayton and Kamal back home too.. Lol.. Oh yea, Clayton gave me the tiny tiny bottles to add into my mini mini bar collection.. Thank you very the much man!
Fart! Now im having a bad stomachache.. Feel like passing out my milo ais.. grrrrrr....
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