The Moment Of Truth..
>> Sunday, July 6, 2008
Saturday, 5/7/08, the day where Japan vs Malaysia finally over.. The pool match ended up 5 V 0.. Victory goes to JAPAN!!..
Defeating Bala in the 2 singles match and 3doubles match..
Japan got high tech players.. After pool, we played foosball, daytona and the arcade games..
Like small kid only.. However, it was a fun fun fun day..
According to Ai Chia.. Huhuhuh...
Then, we went to Crystal's house to fetch her to Batu Ferringhi as she wanted to join us for dinner..
Ai Chia pula want to make the ink Tattoo.. She had a butterfly at her back..
Bro did Dragon and Crystal made a cicak.. Lols..
Haha, next we went to Sher's house for Vitagen party again.. As usual, steal kitty to play with her.. Hehehe.. Chit chat till midnite strikes then we sent Ai Chia home..
She's tired according to her face expression.. =p Huhu..
Then we went to Terengganu Road for loku loku (lok-lok) then McD to meet Ken and then chill at the Gurney Drive.. These days gt new Mat Rempit team d lor.. All the kids.. Lols.. Ameno.. The Defending Champion Aika from Japan!
That's all for now.. i better sleep now.. it's 4 am Sunday morning..
Last wish before i sleep.. Can AIKA and BALA delete the pic where i laughed LIKE NOBODY'S BUSINESS? PLEASE??
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