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Just what I think..

>> Thursday, April 2, 2009

Why like that? Thanks to the TB lor! He/She don't know do what magic to the lecturer..
Suddenly the later intake people got into group A..
Hoi we're your senior 1 semester okay!?
So, Tuesday and Thursday we have to either start class so freakin early as 8am or rest for 5 hours in college before another class that is till 8pm..
KDU has night class lo! Don't play play..

Meanwhile, while waiting for the time to pass, we spent our time in the iLab aka Internet lab lo.. Play cs, online and scope pretty girls.. Manatahu, cannot play games wor..
Chey, then we pay so much don't need to use facilities?
And the printer/ photocopy machine everyday also hang during lunch hours.. what is this?

So, we pindah rumah (move house) to the libruary..
Yeah, I've finally registered my library card..
With 4 cards we can have the access to the discussion room.. Our plan was to go into the room and sleep.. Then, bring a stack of books pretending like we were actually reading just now..

Seriously, the pictures in the book are interesting but the words will kill your eyes slowly..
Soon you will see me in spectacles.. Or you already did? Hmm..

Lol, after a whole day this and that, class finally over and we went over to GSC..
Student price ticket - RM6.00 what? Reasonable..
After movie, the stupid downpour came.. Luckily master skilled Bala drove us home.. If not u can see my car skid here and there like surfing already..

Eh, about April Fool, I was pranked alive by my friend who is in Aussie..

You know me la.. I simply believe people and are so honest.. Like a robot..
Nah.. Share with you all something.. Some expert can calculate your handphone number..
Follow what I tell you:

step :
1) Get a calculator.
2) Key in the first 3 digit of your handphone number. (not the 01x, okay?)
3) Multiply the 3 digit with 80.
4) Add 1
5) Multiply again with 250
6) Add the last 4 digit of your handphone number.
7) Add again the last 4 digit your handphone number.
8) Subtract 250
9) Divide by 2
10) Get your handphone number already?

Nah, you've just wasted 5 minutes of your life.. This equation is real BUT you've given me all the 7 digits what?

Have a very good night everyone..


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